As we slowly emerge from our lockdown, many people are thinking about going back to work. Some are super keen to get back but for others there can be issues around anxiety, depression, stress, fear or just generally feeling out of sorts. If you feel your employees could benefit from a few counselling sessions, we are here to help.
The most forward-thinking and successful employers know the value of good staff and want to assist them to stay mentally well. Employee counselling offers highly effective problem-solving resources which assists employees to get back on track and will assure them that they are valued and supported.
The Therapy Coach is unique, in the fact that we will assess your employee and ensure they are aligned to the most effective and appropriate counselling discipline that best suits their needs. Different models have different results and therefore, as a duty of care to your staff, we will ensure that they are referred to an appropriate counsellor with the right model of counselling to bring the best results.
The counsellor assigned to your employee will have the expertise to work with their specific issue or challenge. For example, if the issue is anxiety then you will be assigned to the counsellor most suited to help with that specific issue.
Employee assistance from experts
At The Therapy Coach, we have never felt that one size fits all when it comes to counselling. When you are working with the right counsellor, for approximately four to six sessions, the work is more effective and will make a world of difference to the way your employee is feeling. We also offer your employee coaching which is perhaps what they need to realign their goals and get their plan of action in place. In some cases, we work with counselling for some sessions and then work on coaching.
We work in a very simple straightforward way. No up-front fees, no contract, and no payments for sessions never used. We send you an invoice at the end of the month only for the sessions attended. We provide simple terms and conditions for you and your employee. Many small companies use this service with the comfort of knowing your employee is in safe hands. They also take comfort from knowing we are only a phone call away to assist as and when we are needed.
“I was a broken man ready to give up and walk away from my job. Jenny went on an emotional journey with me. I never felt alone or that she never understood how I felt any time I left her office. She is incredibly good at what she does, and I felt her empathy and she felt my pain along with me. It was one of the hardest and most rewarding things I’ll ever do. Thanks, Jenny, you helped me change my life.”
Redundancy support
Due to the recent events sadly some companies will have no other option but to make some employees redundant. Although most employees understand why a company may have to make this difficult decision, it can still leave employees feeling a deep sense of loss and grief. Some clients will suffer a detrimental effect on their self-esteem and confidence. Employees may also feel trauma and become stuck in a cycle of depression and anxiety.
Offering employees one to one counselling to work through their personal feelings can help them to come to terms with the situation and help them to put it into a better perspective. We would recommend six sessions, four sessions in counselling, one session on personal development, and one session on coaching to formulate a plan of action to move forward.
For more information about our Employee Assistance Program please call us on 0808 175 0229 or 07946 434 045. You can also use the contact form on our Contact page to get in touch with us.