Do you remember being a kid and someone asking you what you wanted to be when you grew up? Do you remember the answer you gave? Did you want to be an astronaut? A doctor? A racing car driver? Whatever it was the chances are the answer did not include anything about being stressed, overworked, demotivated, and bored. There is no doubt that being unhappy at work can also have a negative impact on our overall wellbeing.
We may feel like we want a change but where to even begin? Especially when we have spent so much time and effort and possibly even a degree or two getting to the point where you are now.
Sometimes it can even feel like a taboo to even admit we hate our jobs. The job might have lots of good perks, it might be well paid and if you’re really lucky you may even like your boss. However, maybe you can’t quite shake the feeling that something is not quite right. Maybe it’s hard to really enjoy the weekends because you are dreading work the next day.
From simply how to move upwards in your profession right through to a new field entirely Career coaching is all about making the most out of that thing we all spent eight hours a day doing. We use psychometric testing to bring to the surface the careers that would suit your personality and we will also go over your cv.
Go back to that question you were asked as a child. Imagine having a job that made you want to get up in the morning? That made you feel fulfilled and happy?
Eight hours a day is a very long time. May as well spend it doing something you love.

“I have an excellent job, I went to university and have a degree which got me into my profession, and I am grateful to be well paid, good perks and a boss who is ok sometimes. I find myself signing a lot throughout the day and scared to admit I hate my job. What would this mean to change my profession to follow my vocation or retrain in a new profession? I have a dream but that’s where it stays.”

There is nothing worse than having a job which is well paid and provides a good standard of living but every Sunday night you spend dreading Monday morning, Tuesday Wednesday getting on with it Thursday starting to feel a little better as Friday is approaching and the weekend is for living life. How would it feel to enjoy your work every day and feel enthusiastic and fulfilled?

“Throughout a dark time in my life, Florence gave me the non-judgemental support and understanding that I needed to build my self-esteem and confidence to improve my mood and self belief. As a result, I felt empowered to change career and I have never been happier! I cannot recommend Florence highly enough for her professional, warm and encouraging approach to counselling and coaching.”
General Practitioner to Writer

Give yourself this support because you are the leader. You can contact us on 0808 175 0229 or by using the form on our contact page.
I look forward to supporting you.